Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Evening pasture time

Busy work day. Too busy for this time of year when the weather is perfect. But I got all eight dogs out to the pasture for a run. 

Candace followed me around as I mowed down the trails. The grass was nice and dry so it cut well and I think I have the winter trail system pretty well laid out now. She had had enough and went back inside with Clay. 

Sherlock made himself scarce; the only pictures I got of him were when we first went out there. Clay had to walk out and locate him in the far front corner of the pasture after everyone else was back in. 

Elvis did his hunting thing, sometimes joined by Maya, sometimes by Bailey.

It was Dodger's first time out and he really enjoyed it. I was surprised how often he turned up checking in on me or letting me check in on him. He followed the rest of the pack back into the dog yard when I was finished mowing and then into the dog yard shed with the others where I was able to get a leash on him. 

I'm not sure what Della was doing out there, but she showed up and came back in when I wanted her. 

Paisley was usually nearby, but she found something nasty looking to roll in and she's wearing that still this evening. At least it doesn't stink.




My only picture of Sherlock from the day.




Both ears UP!

This is as much as you typically see of Elvis when he's hunting.
Nose down, tail up.


Anonymous said...

Your Bailey looks so much like my Kitt. Is she petite?

Brent said...

Bailey is petite, but she's not full grown yet.