Friday, December 27, 2024

In and out

Not much happens around the holidays in a lot of areas other than retail and the rescue work also slows down, at least adoptions do, because people are either traveling or busy with other stuff. However, we had one big change here just prior to Christmas, which at least one person noticed when I posted pictures from a recent pasture run. Cheese was conspicuously absent from those pictures because he had gone to his new home. I haven't heard anything yet, so I'm going with the assumption that no news is good news. 

Former foster Cosmo is a fairly frequently visitor around here and he came back to us on Christmas day, but only for a few days. He'll be going back home either Friday or Saturday.

Cosmo's temporary spot is being filled with another Bernese Mountain Dog named Gus, who came as an owner surrender and was neutered on Friday. I believe he has another foster home lined up who is currently out of town, so he may also be a short timer at our house. Gus is a youngster, about two to three years old. He arrived just after his neuter surgery today, probably still under the influence of the anesthesia, so I really can't say much about him yet other than the obvious fact that he's very handsome.

Rogue should be going to her new home after the first of the year. More changes are afoot. 



Cosmo with Paisley and Candace Friday afternoon.

Cosmo with Bear in the pasture

It was sunny and pleasant for a while this morning and early afternoon.
I had the puppies out for a good run.
This is Storm.


Storm and Rogue

Puppies discovering big logs

Storm, in flight

Bear and Bailey

This is Gus.

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