Monday, December 2, 2024

Puppy pasture play

It was too chilly to leave the puppies outdoors for very long today, especially in their shaded kennel area. But with no wind it wasn't too bad in a sunny area so I took the pups to the pasture for a good romp and then some time in the dog yard for a change of scenery and new territory to explore. 

I walked with them in the pasture but then left them alone in the dog yard for a while, giving me the chance to clean up the shed and bring in a new crate to house the two space heaters that are keeping them warm at night. It's necessary to enclose the heaters out of their reach because they were manipulating the controls with their paws or noses. 

Although they had less outdoor time today, I think they got more exercise than normal with the romp around the pasture. I'm noticing that some of the ears are beginning to look like they are going up. Since we don't know the mix it's pretty hard to predict and if asked, I just say that I don't speculate on puppies. 

I was worried about Bear being without Marvel, but he and Bailey were playing together in my office this morning and the Big Three -- Bear, Bailey, and Norman -- played together in Daneland most of the afternoon. Bette arrived just before dark today and Maze will be coming early Wednesday morning, the day that Wakanda goes to his new home.

Wakanda sampling the greenery.

Elektra, with very perky ears today.

That's Rogue leading the pack.

Wakanda colliding with Elektra. Maybe because he's running with his eyes shut?

Storm in front

Wakanda, followed by Rogue



Wakanda will go to his new home on Wednesday.

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