Saturday, June 29, 2024

From 9 to 24

We've known this day was coming for the past two or three months. A puppy mill operation in Oklahoma was shut down and over 250 dogs were seized and held by the Humane Society of the United States. Today, finally, 68 of those dogs were transferred to Green Dogs, and fifteen of those came here. But it's not 15 adult dogs, most are puppies.

We took in a female Doberman and eight of her pups (the ninth pup is deaf and went to another foster home who could begin working with that one). The female dobie was actually featured in an HSUS video that can be seen here. The momma and all the pups seem very sociable and sweet, probably due to all the contact they've had with HSUS volunteers over the past three months. 

We also took in a female Shar-Pei and four of her pups. The four pups are sweet although one didn't want to leave her crate, and didn't, when she first arrived. I finally had to dump her out of it and then she was as sweet and happy as the others. Momma Pei, on the other hand, is completely freaked out and shut down. She didn't even get micro-chipped upon arrival like all the rest. We carried her crate into the enclosure I had set up for them and when I opened the door she came right out, but then scurried to a corner of the pen like she was trying to escape and disappear. She didn't eat when I fed her pups, but she did eat food I left alone with her inside while the pups were out. 

Both litters are sharing the air conditioned puppy palace with separate outdoor enclosures as well. I'd actually like to combine the litters and remove both mothers because the pups are old enough, are no longer nursing, and I think it would be good for everyone. I'm not sure how to make that happen, however.

The fifteenth foster we took in is a female Saint Bernard. She had two or three puppies as well, but they are all going to separate homes, probably to be adopted. Momma Saint is going to be adopted as well. At 7:00 a.m. Sunday morning a vet who was volunteering with the rescue operation in Oklahoma is due to come by here and pick up the big girl and drive her back to her home in Michigan. 

Even one new dog always as an impact on the systems and routines around here, so you can imagine what 15 has done. Everyone spent most of the day indoors, but it wasn't a fit day for outdoor activity anyway. Tomorrow we'll begin to figure things out. 

The puppy play began immediately.

Not a great picture, but this is Momma Doberman greeting the Saint Bernard through the fence.

This is Momma Pei


Risa said...

I have no words for your kindness, except overwhelmed.
Reach out if you need a Chewy box of puppy food (or anything else)

Rachel said...

I had no idea Sharpei's were still around. 15 new dogs at once? You and Clay are saints.