Of course, after we got there she appeared more alert than she did at home. Mostly the visit was about allaying my concerns and paranoia. Her temperature was normal but she was getting dehydrated again so we are back to giving the sub-q fluids even though she is drinking some on her own. I was given some more antibiotics and liquid famotidine, and mostly I was given the go ahead to force feed her. I picked up 8 cans of A/D food and some Fortiflora, which makes a smelly, slimy mess with a little water added. It sucks up into an oral syringe and I administered 30 cc of the stuff, minus the amount she spit back onto me. It gave me a sense of what parents go through with babies. You have to really love the little bugger to put up with that.
We will have at least two more rounds of fluids and food before bedtime, whatever it takes to get a can of the stuff into her.
But basically I was told that although she may not be out of the woods yet, she's at the edge of the woods and is about where she would be expected to be at this point.
It's time to think about names. Suggestions?
How about Luke and Leia? (Star Wars)
Woodsy for the black puppy and Birch for the beige one.
Hansel and Gretel?
How about Rally for male - since he rallied first and Echo for the female since we want her to follow his lead and get better.
Apollo and Athena...children of Zeus.
She must recover after all the love and care you are giving her Brent! She has to! Am praying for the little mite. How about Ebony and Ivory. Hansel and Gretel. Blanche and Sooty,
Jack and Jill :)
How about Beauty and Spirit
You can't be too paranoid when it comes to parvo puppies! I used to foster sick kittens that needed to be force fed with a syringe. It was always a struggle to get any food down them for the first few days, but then they would start to take the food eagerly and claw my fingers for more. Then I knew they would soon begin eating on their own again. Hope you will get to that happy day very soon!
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