Monday, January 2, 2012

My personal trainer

Sparky has his work cut out for him, but I have no doubt that he's up to the job.  I have become so sedentary that the muscles in my legs ache from inactivity.  We did about an hour on the trails today, pretty good pace, and I certainly feeling it this evening and will so even more in the morning.

He got me moving and kept me moving and we both enjoyed it.  Sparky's only limitation as a personal trainer is the lack of opposible thumbs and a driver's license.  It's still up to me to get us out to the trails.

I'm going to start trying to get out there more days than not.  We both need it, I need it desperately, and he enjoys it so that I hate to disappoint him.  Maybe guilt will be the motivating factor. 


Liz said...

It's going to be 18 degrees in the morning. Ya'll have fun.

Risa said...

I can sympathize. Piper and I did the walk around Greenbelt Lake on Sunday and Monday. We were both tired but felt better for it.

Frodosmom said...

Sparky is SO incredibly cute!! I have been having Rottie withdrawals lately!! lol. Coltrane and I went walking Sunday, but it got too dang cold and even he started shivering!!!