Thursday, January 3, 2019

Letters from Facebook jail (Mostly non-dog)

Sweet Serena hurt her leg this week.
Like Paul's epistles to the Ephesians, Philippians, and others written from prison, I'm writing this week from the confines of Facebook jail. I don't know exactly what Paul did to piss off the Romans that landed him in jail, or who he had ran afoul of, but in my case it was Mark Zuckerburg.

I blame the mud. She was out running around like
a crazy, young Dane and I suspect she slipped and
over extended her shoulder joint on the right front.
Those who know me know that I don't filter a lot of my thoughts. The older I get, the fewer filters I employ. It's why we live in the country and why most of my friends have four legs and a tail.

This is what happened. I was wasting time scrolling through Facebook and saw that someone had posted a link to this article:

Trump quietly shuts down HIV cure research to appease the religious right

It was a typical GOP move, masterminded by Pence and his ilk and blessed by Trump and the gutless GOP who have bowed to the religious reich ever since Ronald Reagan.

The first thought out of my brain went directly to my fingertips and ended up in pithy two-word comment on the post: "Fucking christians."

Maybe they were offended because I didn't capitalize the "C" word. Maybe Facebook runs a Boolean search on the word "fucking" within x words of "christian." Maybe it was reported by basement dwelling right-wing troll, I don't know, but BAM! I'm in Facebook jail for a week, unable to post, comment, or even "like" on Facebook and equally banned from using Facebook's Messenger app, for violating their community standards.

She does like to run.
Now, before you get your persecution complex in full gear, know that I don't hate all christians. Some of my friends may be christians for all I know or care. But, you should know that the largest sub-group of those who identify as christian also identify as evangelicals. Those are the Mike Pence-loving motherfuckers that I do hate. I don't give a rat's ass about their mythology. They can believe that virgins can give birth, that water turns to wine, or that crackers turn to flesh in their mouths, till the cows come home as far as I'm concerned. What I do hate about them is their marked, and easily manipulated, tendency to disguise their right-wing political beliefs, hatred, and bigotry in religious terms and claim that it is mandated by their god and therefore should be legislated into a righteous sword to be wielded against those of us who don't share their beliefs. Fuck that, all of that.
It seemed to be getting better, so I took her
out walking again, too soon.

Now, let me share a secret about how being in Facebook jail may differ from Paul's experience writing his missives from a Roman prison. It's really rather liberating. Facebook is a massive time suck. It's addictive and I'm a hardcore user. I haven't gone off it entirely in cold turkey fashion. I can still read it, but being unable to respond makes it less attractive and I'm wasting much less time on it. I'm exploring Twitter and Instagram as a way of sharing my blog, but the easiest way is the simplest, just use the internet, and go to

So, here I sit in Facebook jail (sipping wine, I might add). In the few words remembered from my high school French class, je ne regrette pas.

It's hard to keep a good dog down, but I kept her downstairs in the kitchen last night and
throughout the day, and will again tonight. I've had her on some anti-inflammatory meds and she's
acting and feeling much better, but I need her to actually heal up this time.
She doesn't understand slow and easy. 


Risa said...

Right there with you. Which is why I don't use Facebook.

Carole Gee said...

Well said.

Hillside_Goatfarm said...

Let’s see if I can post, I deleted all Google and my blog due to massive hacking issues.
Facebook is addictive, but they are indisciminantly censoring now. Many of us had our messages blocked, censored, been warned of copy right etc. that’s what we get when people demand that social medi becomes more safe and controlled. You should be able to vent your opinion. BTW I love that you so freely speak your mind.
Blog away and enjoy that eine.