Wednesday, February 20, 2019

A Ray of Sunshine

I'm talking about a metaphorical ray of sunshine, of course. We haven't seen anything of the actual sun in several days, nor do we expect to until Monday at the soonest. The world is one big sucky pit of mud and muck at the moment, but I got a bit of good news to brighten the otherwise dreary day.

Serena and Theo looking down at me from
the top of the stairs.
I mentioned before that Sweet Serena seemed to be improving. She was due to have a CT scan on Thursday, but I called the vet to talk about it today in light of her improved condition. He agreed that we should at least put it off for now. Furthermore, an additional culture that they did from the prior test finally grew something, some form of staph, which means that we may be dealing with an infection in the joint rather than something even more serious.
Sparky out in the snow.

So, she's staying on the pain meds, we are doubling the dose of the antibiotic, and I'm still trying to keep her youthful Dane exuberance under control. She's feeling good and she really wants to run and tackle every shepherd she sees. I'm leash walking her around the yard and still she bounces and runs as much as the leash allows. It's great to see her feeling so much better. She's using the leg more and more. She still favors it, but she no longer sounds like a three legged dog when I hear her running around the house or up and down the stairs.

The vet said that this type of infection takes a long time to clear, so she may have to continue on the antibiotics for months, but I wrap them in my faux pill pocket peanut butter mixture, hand them to her, and she gobbles them up like candy, so that should not be a problem.

It takes a lot for me to be happy on a rainy day, but this did it.

Trooper coming in from his guard station
in the front corner of the yard.

Nosing around with Theo

She seemed convinced that interesting and
potentially tasty things were hidden under the snow.

She's doing the four-legged bounce and leap again.

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

Yay! This is so promising! I'm glad to hear that the culprit may have been discovered!