Thursday, February 21, 2019

Sun and Mud

We saw more sun today than anticipated and the temperature was quite mild, so we had to get outside in spite of the mud, which is everywhere.

I took Trooper and Maya up to Pleasant Grove for the two mile walk on the roadway. Even that isn't really free of mud but it was at least solid footing.

The days are getting longer now, so I had enough time after the walk to get Theo, Max, and Smokey out to the pasture. The pasture is relatively mud-free, but the ground is saturated and there's even standing water in places, so the dogs still got pretty much filthy. But they enjoyed it. I think Max and Theo may be spending the night downstairs in the kitchen, however.

Smokey was better this time, but Theo did have to
give him a reminder lesson.

Smokey tried to get a ball. Theo thought he should remain
a spectator in the game of ball.

Smokey's "sit" is very good.
Max got a tennis ball, as he always does. That ball does not

Theo in repose with his two tennis balls.

Max, getting wetter and muddier.

1 comment:

Risa said...

I'm so happy that Smokey is starting to fit in with the rest of the pack.