Monday, February 11, 2019

Chester & Felix

Felix was one of my favorite fosters. Maybe it's not nice to have favorites, but Felix really was. I liked him enough that the pool of people I would adopt him to was very small, so it was fortunate when our good friends and neighbors adopted him. He's sweet, he smiles, and he's always very excited to see me still, forgetting all his training and good manners when he sees me.

A couple weeks ago when I was drowning in dogs and dog problems, Felix's family offered to take in Chester and today they formally adopted him.

Chester is a good boy who really wants to be a good boy. He's got that lab nature that makes him really want to please. He's been very good indoors and was actually sleeping in bed from the very first night although he will use his crate still too. The two boys have been getting along well together, learning to share, and wearing each other out. That's good for both of them and for the humans in the household too.

I couldn't be happier for him.


Chester is very quick to offer up a sit when there
is a prospect of a treat, or even some petting.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to everyone on Chester's adoption! Chester & Felix make a fine pair.


Byron's Mom said...

This just made me smile like an idiot! I love happy endings and knowing Chester is with Felix really made my day! Thank you for all you do!

Rachel said...

That's awesome! Chester hit the jackpot!