Sunday, February 17, 2019

Smokey's Four Miler

I haven't had Smokey out for a hike, or done anything with him really, since he was neutered. I've been pretty wrapped up in trying to move out some of the adoptable fosters, and taking care of our own dogs and worrying about Serena. But Sunday morning I loaded up Smokey and we hit the trails.

It wasn't particularly nice weather and it started to sprinkle on us towards the end, but that didn't really matter. He enjoyed it and I did too. We covered four miles. I'm going to start doing this with him a lot more often, and doing some other work on him too, now that I don't have so many other dogs, for as long as that lasts.

We got along pretty well this time. We touched nose (his) to fingers (mine) several times, and he touched my leg with his nose a couple times on his own. I'm going to put in some more serious work on the bonding and trust building. That needs to happen.

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