Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Greetings from Frosty Kansas

I'm out in Kansas visiting my mother. It's freaking cold out here and it has been this way for much of the winter. We've had a very wet winter (and summer and fall), but we haven't really had that much bitterly cold weather like they've had out here. If we had this cold weather plus all the moisture that has fallen as rain in Virginia, we would be buried in snow until June.

Visiting my mother also means visiting her not-so-little pug, Jake.
The sock monkey is one of Jake's favorite toys. He does not
destroy them.

This is Jake's "you're in my spot" look.

This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen
on Facebook. The pug is perfect for it.

Everyone who has ever lived in this house has sat
in this spot for either the heat or the air conditioning
on some occasion. It is one of Jake's favorite spots.

Jake has always assumed that if it's pug-sized,
then it's a spot for him. No one has ever corrected
him so he has no reason to believe otherwise.


Byron's Mom said...

Jake is a serious cutie!

Anonymous said...

But what is the big bird?