Monday, October 18, 2010

Breathing room

Last week may have been my busiest dog week ever.  Four dogs and our cat were at the vet. The entire population was treated with Revolution and three days of Panacure.  I had four dogs getting twice daily medication. I started the week with 13 fosters and ended with 14 on Saturday night. But Sunday seems to have made it all worthwhile. 

Luke was at the vet on Monday because of an ear infection.  Both ears were infected with yeast and he had dug at one of them enough to make it bleed.  Although they weren't as bad as Rocky's, they were headed down that road.  He was back at the vet on Friday where they did a deep ear cleaning under anesthesia.  They also put in some staples to close the self-inflicted cut he had done by scratching.  He seemed happier and more comfortable when he got home and I left him and Tasha together for the weekend.  On Sunday afternoon Luke was picked up by a woman I've known for years who is going to foster home.  She will provide a great foster home for him. 

Bubba would have gone home from the Gainesville adoption event last weekend, but I had realized that I hadn't finished his course of doxycycline for Lyme disease.  He was back at the vet on Monday too.  His vaccines were boostered and we got more doxy.  The woman and little girl who wanted him came out to Front Royal yesterday afternoon, adopted him, and took him home from there. 

I left home yesterday morning about 8:00 a.m. for the Front Royal adoption event at noon.  Near Front Royal is a place called Browntown, which is home to a couple who had met King last weekend and were interested in him.  They have a two year old Saint Bernard and three cats.  I spent an hour or so there and ended up leaving King with the understanding that they would either bring him back to me in Front Royal or stop by themselves near closing time to do the adoption.  They had him long enough to determine that he wasn't going to be easy with the cats so he came back.  Except for the cat thing I think he would have been fine.  Once again, he's better behaved than I would have thought. 

I took Holly to Front Royal yesterday too.  I never did get any pictures of Holly, which is a shame because she is a beautiful girl.  She went home with someone yesterday, a prior VGSR adopter, who brought along their shepherd and their 10 year old female boxer.  Both dogs looked good and were well behaved.  Both the adults in the home are runners so she will get plenty of exercise.  I liked them, they liked her, so she has a new home.

One of my former fosters, a rottie named Roxie, came by at the end of the Front Royal adoption event to visit.  She looked great, except for being fat, but was obviously very happy.  It's always great to see them happy in a new home.

I didn't get back home until about 5:30.  I unloaded King and Trooper (Troop had just gone along for the ride yesterday), and got everyone fed and prepared the adoption paperwork for Buddy.  A young couple had met Buddy in Richmond two weeks ago.  They wanted him but were out of town last week.  They drove here as soon as their flight landed in Richmond yesterday afternoon, with just a stop at a pet store to pick up dog food.  Buddy is very shy, but he will come around quickly with someone working with him, and loving on him, one-on-one. 

The other foster who is now gone from here is Buster.  I had taken him to meet a woman on Thursday.  She and her dog loved him and wanted to keep him, but she leaves tomorrow for Florida for 2-3 months for a job.  However, she found someone who will take him and work with him during that time, specifically train him around livestock, as she seems to be a horse person and has cattle grazing very near her house. 

That's five less dogs around here this morning, which makes a big difference in food, cleaning, medication, exercise, and just keeping the lid on the noise around here.  Actually, there's just 4 less, because I took in TJ.  More on him later.

1 comment:

ladybugz said...

glad you got a little breather. it amazes me how you handle so many dogs at once.