Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Nothing to say

Not much to say.  Lady's blood work came back and everything looked good.  She is getting more comfortable around here.

Highland seems to be doing well in his new home.  

Daphne is coming on Thursday to spend a few days with us. 

We no longer even pretend that Gigi will be sleeping anywhere other than the center of the bed. 

I snapped a few random pics today, enjoy.


Gallagher, Cooper, Hank

Gigi and Vince

Hank, Gallagher (behind), and Cooper

Gigi likes to go to the pasture to run
but won't run with the Gang of Four.
This evening I took her out with Vince.
Gigi and Vince after the run.
At the back door, ready to come in.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Vince is so cute! Are the gang of 4 too rambunctious for Gigi?