Thursday, November 15, 2012

Soccer dog

Aja loves to play ball.  I've got a couple of partially deflated basketballs in the dog yard that she likes.  I kick the ball, she runs after it, grabs it in her mouth, and brings it back.  Then she will drop the ball and give it a nudge with her nose, pushing it back towards me to kick again. 

I found a tennis ball that had somehow survived the summer mowing season still intact.  I tossed it towards her and she caught it mid-air.  Whoever had her before must have played ball with her at least. 

Tomorrow I'm going to pull out a frisbee and see if she goes for that.  Frisbee dogs are fun.  I've only ever had one really, and he was very old when I got him and just couldn't do much of it anymore.  Mostly he liked to carry it around. 

Aja continues to impress me in terms of temperament and everything else.  I'd love to find her another foster home before we go away.  She's an easy foster and is actually the dog that most adopters need, even if she's not what they think they want. 

1 comment:

BudsBuddy said...

She's a lovely girl and sounds like a lot of fun. Hope she finds someone to give her the TLC she deserves.