Sunday, August 14, 2016

Following up

Bella is making herself at home in her new home. All the other dogs are males so I'm guessing she will be ruling the roost before long.

She's become a great playmate for Dylan, and has even engaged at least one of the older boys in play on occasion as well.

She's got a great home with serious shepherd people. She's got it made.

Belly chewing on an upside down Dylan, while one of the
senior shepherds looks on.

Jess is doing well in his new home too. He completely stopped the submissive urination thing after three days!

He's got a live-in shepherd sibling, and a pitty or two as playmates. He has an active and playful life, which is the best thing for a puppy.

I was very happy to receive these pictures and news about Penelope today too.

She's doing well and apparently is very much a daddy's girl, which doesn't really surprise me.

All three of these dogs had more than one good solid applications on them, any of which could have been good homes. It makes for a tough decision, but I'm very happy with where these three landed.

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