Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Chrome goes home

Chrome had been with another foster until we got him just last week. He had been neutered and already had a well-qualified adoption prospect. His new family drove down from New Jersey this morning with two of their own dogs and took Chrome off to his new home.

These are serious dog people who have been involved with rescue for many years. They have experience with Great Danes and with special needs dogs. There's nothing more we could have hoped for or asked for from an adopter.

We didn't have Chrome long, but it was long enough to know that he's a really nice dog. Not a mean bone in his body that I've seen. He tolerated puppy pestering and small dog nastiness very well. He likes attention and loves to just sit next to a person. He's free with the kisses. He's also quite a good looking dog in spite of a lot of bad breeding. Fare thee well, Chrome. Happy trails to you.

We met the adopters at Green Dogs Tuesday late morning.
Chrome met the resident menagerie, including Killian.
Killian just wanted to play but Chrome had no idea what was
going on and just wanted to sit quietly and observe.

Killian thinks that everyone wants to be
his friend and he tried his best to get
Chrome to play. 

This was the moment that Killian's
"puppy pass" expired and Chrome
told him to go away.

A chastised Killian retreated to his safe
spot and sought sympathy and succor from
Erika but got very little.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So happy for Chrome!
