Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Karma's Day

Going to the vet this morning. She runs right for the van
and hops in. She rides well.
Karma's day didn't go as planned. Whether it was better or worse depends on your point of view, I guess. From Karma's position, it was definitely better.

I took her in to be spayed this morning. I had forgotten, however, that Karma is suspicious of, and slow to warm up to strangers. They put her in a run but when they went to retrieve her she did her growly/talky thing that can be off-putting to strangers. On top of that, the vet had an emergency, and as a result Karma didn't have surgery today.

Clay picked her up after he got off work and she was very happy to see a familiar and friendly face. After they got home I took Karma out for a hike. It wasn't too long, about 2.6 miles, but she really enjoyed it. It was quite possibly the first time she's ever been on a hike in the woods. She doesn't pull on the leash, but she walks back and forth in front of me so I was constantly bumping into her or kicking her heels. She was fine if I just held her on a short lead by my side, but when I gave her the full six feet she was inclined to wander.
Coming from from the vet, no surgery today.
She was very happy to see Clay and to hop into his car.

We had a nice walk and I tried to feed her outside after we got home but she was more interested in coming in than she was in finishing her food. She spend the evening in the living room with Clay where she repeatedly tried to climb up onto the sofa. We'll crate her in the kitchen again tonight, or maybe in the office.

She's now scheduled to be spayed on Thursday. I'll take her in and stay with her until they are ready to put her on the table. Her adopter is scheduled to come for her on November 11th. Until then, we have three female Danes in the house.

Out on our hike late this afternoon.

Karma is a happy hiker.

Grazing like a cow dog does.

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