Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Zeus and Disney go home

We hit a double today (that's the first and most likely the last sports metaphor you'll ever hear from me). Both Zeus and Disney were picked up by their adopters.

Zeus had spent most of last week in his new home but was back here for the weekend. I took him to the vet late in the afternoon on Monday and got his vaccinations renewed. He tested negative for heartworms and all the tick-borne diseases. Equally good news was how well behaved he was with the vet and vet tech. They took extra time and precautions with them which I really appreciated because I had heard that he was really bad with the vet on prior occasions. That may have been when he got the Immiticide injections for the heartworm treatment, which are very deep and painful. In any event, he got through the exam with no problem (thank you Dr. Garrett) and didn't even flinch for the vaccines and the slickest, quickest blood draw I've ever witnessed (thank you, Gabby)!

Zeus has really fallen into the routine around here to the point that he's a very easy foster, but I loved sending him off to a new home where he will be the center of attention. There will be lots of hikes and Jeep rides in his future.

I was equally happy to send Disney off to her new home today. Her folks drove up from Tidewater area last night and were out here early this morning to introduce Disney to their senior black lab. Apparently he recently lost his long term companion and Disney has always had other dogs in her life, so it appears that their needs are well matched. Disney will have a huge yard with a six foot fence to run in, explore, and work off her puppy energy, and believe me she has plenty.

I'm very happy for both dogs, and happy to have our dog count down to nine again. Cinderella will be off to her home a week from Friday. Diamond and Karma are still awaiting surgery, but they have homes lined up too. Happy trails.

Zeus, at the door, ready to go off on his new adventure. 

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

Makes my heart happy knowing these two will have wonderful lives! Thank you for all that you do!