Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Walking with Trooper

Trooper has really been wanting to go on a walk so I took him today along with Maya and Disney.

Maya's tail is very expressive. This means
she's happy walking with Trooper.
It was pretty cool today so I thought we'd try for two miles. Trooper starts out strong; he was leading for the first mile and Maya was walking right next to him. Disney isn't sure what to do so she hangs back next to me for the most part and that's fine. She still switches sides a lot but from behind me and the other dogs so we don't have leash issues.

We saw one deer, quite close to us actually, but Maya was the only one who cared about it.

Trooper really slowed down on the second mile and I was wishing that we could be transported back to the van. But he hung in there, trudging along behind me, and Maya dropped back to stay near him. We stopped periodically for just a minute or so, and we eventually made it back to the van. I gave him a boost to get in and we headed home, well walked and happy.

Deer spotting

I don't think Disney saw or cared about the
deer, but she did enjoy being out.

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