Monday, October 14, 2019

Duvel Visits

We had sweet little Duvel for the day on Monday. He met most of the dogs around here and went on a one mile mile with Maya and Trooper.

The relationship between the puppies and Della is interesting. She recognizes them as her puppies of course, and they certainly recognize them as their mother. She's sort of a crossroads with them, unsure of whether to treat them as pups or as dogs. She did a play bow with him, but she still wasn't sure she wanted other dogs interacting with him. I expect that as they grow she'll feel less of a need to play the mother role. At least she's no longer regurgitating her stomach contents to feed them.

Duvel met Maya, Trooper, Serena, Disney, and Cinderella. I was having frustrating technical problems with work, so I took Duvel out for a short walk with Trooper and Maya. Trooper was really wanting to get out and go again and the weather was perfect, so we went. It was just a mile but it was good route, mostly in the woods and not too much uphill - just perfect for Trooper.

Della was ok with Serena being around Duvel.

Duvel meeting Disney and Cinderella.

Duvel walked into Serena's crate and made himself at home.
Serena got up and moved to a smaller crate.
Starting out on the trail.

Duvel didn't understand why I was pointing my phone at him
at such a close range.
He decided to investigate the phone.

He was a very good walker today.

Trooper was fine with him, as he is with all
dogs, but Trooper was very intent on the walk.
We had no matching dogs today, a diverse group.

Maya and Trooper spotted two deer here. Duvel didn't see
or understand what got them so excited.

Our hike was just over a mile, not long, but long enough.

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