Monday, October 14, 2019

Pack Walk

We did a different kind of hike on Sunday. Maya and Disney and I joined up with a Green Dogs pack walk, which included other people and other dogs. Maya was a bit confused by it all and it did not help with deer hunting, which she considers to be the primary purpose of hiking. But it was fun.

Potential adopters are coming to meet Disney Tuesday morning.
I can't imagine that they won't love her.
The group included three of Della's puppies, Killian, Duvel, and Mo-Dean (formerly Allagash), so that was fun. I brought Disney along and she enjoyed it. She's clearly becoming more comfortable in the woods. I enjoyed it too; it was fun to look back and see a line of people and other dogs on the trail behind us. We encountered two people on horseback, a first for the pups, and another first - water crossings. It was fun to see the pups figure it out. Disney had no problem with the water, she just followed Maya on across.

It started to rain on us near the end, quite hard rain for a short time. We took shelter under the pole barn until it let up. The rain was probably a first for the puppies too, at least getting caught outside in it. It's been so dry this summer, the only rain I can recall when the puppies were here happened at night when they were inside and asleep. Disney didn't care for the rain at all (she kept trying to shake it off) and Duvel was scared by it.

We did 3+ miles on the trails and I think everyone enjoyed it.
Maya was a good sport about the other
people and dogs coming along, as long
as we don't make a habit of it.
Disney and followers.

Duvel making a jump over a log across the
trail. He did fine with the front end, but they
are still working on coordinating the back
end with the front.
A very pretty purple mushroom.

Puppies learning about water crossings.

Another water crossing. The water is so low
you really don't even need the stepping stones.

Maya and Mo-Dean. He was always the darkest of the merles
and he's just getting better looking all the time.

I don't know how anyone will ever be able to
say "no" to Disney. If that brown eye doesn't
get you, the blue one will.

My little girl.
Erika is carrying a baby in that pouch on her chest.
Erika has been carrying a baby most of the time ever
since I met her. She's leading her other baby, Killian.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. Lots of spots. The Dalmatians have nothing on Danes. What a nice day for a pack walk.