Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Sunshine and straw

There's three ways to deal with winter mud: sunshine, straw, and freezing temperatures. We had sun today for the first time in seemingly forever. I bought 20 bales of straw yesterday and spread almost half of them today in the dog yard, a/c yard, and Daneland. It was below freezing starting out this morning and more cold is on the way tonight, so the mud situation is bound to improve.

Kami and Chloe are hitting it off very well. They are a similar age and size and both need a playmate. I've been too busy to spend much time with them, but I did for a while this evening while I was cleaning up in the kitchen. They ran around the house and had a great time. Chloe is known to have excellent indoor manners. Kami is new to being inside, but she hasn't done anything out of line so far. I'm crating them both in the kitchen, next to each other, at night. Chloe doesn't need it but she's fine with it and it's helping Kami get used to the routine.

I got out for a two mile walk with Maya and Trooper late this afternoon. I was wishing I had worn a hat and gloves. The wind was getting chilly as the sun was going down.

Big oak tree at Pleasant Grove. It's pretty year round, but particularly striking in the winter.


SuzB said...

Hi Brent,

I see you still have Chloe and she seems to be doing very well. My husband and I have been strongly considering bring a new furry friend into our family. It has been a little over 8 years since we lost our last German Shepherd at the old age of 14yo. We miss having a dog in the house but our lives were very busy and decided we needed to wait until things settled down before bring another dog into the family so we could dedicate more time. That time has come and we began by research local breeder but then was introduce to the possibility of adopting. A friend provided me your link and I saw Chloe who is a beautiful girl and reminds me of our boy Dodge. Our biggest concern and requirement for adopting, especially an other dog, is how they are with children as we have three grandchildren; 2.5 to 7 yo. They have two dogs of their own so are used to being around dogs but we want to ensure any dog we bring into our family is good with children. I'm not sure if you have an idea of how she maybe with them. Any information you can share would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Brent said...

Chloe was living with a child in her former home. Contact me at and we can discuss it further.