Saturday, December 28, 2019

The 12-Pack Walk

This walk was originally scheduled for Sunday, but rain is also scheduled for Sunday, so we did it on Saturday instead. Six of the puppies made it - Stella, Mo-Dean (Allagash), Bodhi (Modello), Duvel, Killian, and Astro (Guinness) - along with former foster Rorschach (Galaxy) and a couple of aussies. All the pups were happy to see Della, of course, and me too, I think. They are all 90-100 pounds now and a couple of them have crossed the 100 pound mark and will soon outweigh their mother. Della went into protective mode as she always does and sounded her signal to all within the reach of her voice that her pups were under her protection. Della's protectiveness is aimed at other dogs. She was quite happy to see all the people and very much enjoyed all the attention. 
We had a very nice walk, almost three miles. I delivered a couple more of the puppy calendars to the puppy adopters and I think I'll just mail out the rest. The second shipment is due about January 9th and anyone who has indicated interest, you are on my list. 

Della and I got a surprise gift from the 12-pack this morning too - a beautiful painting of Della and each of the 12 pups. It's going to go right above my desk. I actually have several Della themed pieces to hang now, although one still needs a frame. I'll post a picture when they are all up on the wall. It will be sort of a shrine to Della, and I think she'll feel that it's appropriate and well-deserved. Della does not suffer from low self-esteem.

Bodhi is the biggest of the pack. I think he must look a
lot like his father.
Della preferred to lead but she kept an eye on all of her pups.

Della and Killian

Della and Duvel

Mo-Dean (formerly Allagash)

Rorschach (formerly Galaxy)

Nicole, who organized this walk,
with Astro (Guinness)

Della and Astro

Stella was the most excited and happy to see me.
I spent many hours holding her when she was smaller.

This is a beautiful gift that we will forever cherish.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a lot of happy Danes! What a nice pack.