Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Year of the Puppies Continues

Della's 12 pack for 2020
I found a way to continue the year of the Great Dane puppies into 2020 without actually taking in another pregnant Dane. I made a 2020 calendar featuring Della and the 2019 pups.

This is going to spoil my family's surprise when they get my gifts this year, assuming that they see this post, but I've been excited about this for the last couple weeks and can't hold back any longer. I started distributing them today.

I made one for each puppy adopter as a thank you from Della for taking on one of her kids. They may not always be the easiest, but they will be the best and are totally worth the effort, much like Della herself. (Puppy adopters: If you're local, let's arrange a pick up, either from me or I can leave some with Erika.)

I had literally thousands of pictures to choose from and I think all of them have been featured on the blog at one time or another. It isn't a one-pup-per-month thing because I liked the group shots and also wanted to feature Della herself in several of them.

The very popular ball pit when it was new, clean, and colorful.

This is the cover photo, taken the day after all the pups were born. 

1 comment:

Risa said...

I would pay good money to have one of these calendars. Della and her babies always make me smile.