Saturday, January 25, 2020

At home and about

Here's a few pictures from recent days, mostly from home, but a couple from this morning's walk with Maya and Della.

The girls have been trying out some new sleeping arrangements, mostly prompted by Maya's recent desire to share the Danish girls' bed on my side of the room. If one of them isn't happy, I have to make some re-arrangements before any of us can get to sleep.

I don't have any pics of the conehead labs, but they are recovering and even learning to deal with the cone to some extent. They can both come downstairs with the cones on. Hatchet can go back up, but Hammer requires much assistance. On the other hand, Hammer has mastered eating from a bowl with the cone still on, but Hatchet has a tougher time with that. Hatchet will be getting adopted on Sunday.

R.W. is settling in and becoming more comfortable around the house. I gave him a bath because he had some crusty skin on his back end that seemed to be bothering him. I used a coal tar shampoo which will burn off the old layer, followed by some baby shampoo. He looks and smells much better now and doesn't seem so itchy. He also got a dose of flea and tick preventative. The blood work showed no heartworms but he did test positive for Erlichia. He's going to take the doxy treatment for that and I think I'll start giving him some fish oil capsules with his food as well. His thyroid level was a bit low, so they are running a secondary test on that. He's got a dental appointment scheduled for February 4th. He's 11 years old, but he's a smallish dog (40 pounds) so he should have some good years left yet and we'd like to make them as good as possible.

Tuck and Della on new dog beds in the kitchen.
Della actually tried sleeping in bed on night. She curled up
at the foot of the bed between us just like Gigi used to do.
We did not discourage it and she spent the night there.
By morning, however, she was sprawled across the area
usually occupied by my feet.

This was an arrangement that required me to
intervene. Serena likes to be in the spot where
Della is. Della isn't as picky so I made them switch.

Mob scene at the base of the stairs in the morning.

I wasn't sure how he'd be about the bath, but
he'd clearly had one before and he trusted me
enough at this point to do it.
He did feel better when it was done.

We met Erika and company, and Killian at the park to pick up
some paperwork for the labs. Killian is as big as Della now
but he still did the submissive puppy urination when he met her.

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