Wednesday, January 22, 2020

R.W. goes to the vet

R.W. had a vet appointment today. It was mostly unremarkable. He's 11 years old and has some arthritis in his joints, but he jumped into the van today on his own and he certainly doesn't seem to have any problems getting around.

Blood was drawn and a fecal sample collected, we'll have results on all that probably sometime tomorrow. He needed a muzzle for the blood draw and he got tired of having his ears, eyes, and mouth examined, but on the whole, he was pretty good. Certainly better than our late Vince was for even very routine things at the vet.
He has made himself quite comfortable in a large crate in
my office. 

The raw red spot on his nose is healing up. He does have some crusty and itchy skin, but no evidence of current active flea infestation. His teeth could use a cleaning, which reminds me that I have an appointment coming up for that myself.

He hopped into the van today on his own.

This may be a better view of his mouth
than the vet was able to get. 

He laid down at my feet, but he was ready to jump up and head out the
door as soon as possible.

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