Thursday, January 2, 2020

Something to hold us over

These pictures were taken earlier in the week, prior to the flu hitting our house. The dogs are fine, it's just Clay and me who have come down sick, but we are sick enough that we aren't going to be much fun to the canines around here for the next several days at least. Yes, we both had our flu shots, but this could be a strain not covered by the vaccine or just something very much like the flu. The doc I saw today said we'd go ahead and treat it like the flu since it was looking, acting, and sounding very much like the flu. I came some with three meds, two of them for the cough, which is so painful that we haven't been able to sleep much the last couple of nights.

There's nothing anyone can do, we have all we need. If you really feel compelled to help, you can always sing Soft Kitty for us.


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain. I do not think I have had the flu but I got a cold just after entertaining 25 of Paul's closest relatives (yes..some sarcasm there)and it has hung on. And other old people's stuff taking its toll--trying to learn to live with it.
Was back in Salina--walked past your old place.

Risa said...

Sympathy here too. Both Jeff and I have colds. It was making the rounds of my group at work.
Siegfried is happy either.
"Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty, Little Ball of Fur. Happy Kitty, Sleepy Kitty, Purr Purr Purr".