Sunday, January 5, 2020


Emergence is the process of coming into view or being exposed after being concealed. Today should have been called "Emergence Sunday." The sun came back into view, finally. I don't know if it's been cloudy/rainy for two days or twenty, but it seems like forever. It was very nice to see it on the last day of the weekend. The dogs have been going stir-crazy being shut up indoors and so have I.

Sunday was also the day that Clay and I have begun to emerge from the fog of flu that has kept us confined to our house for the past several days. It may not be entirely over, but the worst of it is past at least, and it was nice to be able to walk out to the pasture and watch the dogs run and play today.

The big blue Dane, Tuck, and the small white shepherd, Kami, are the two dogs in the pictures below that are available for adoption.

Tuck is very people-oriented but he enjoyed a
romp in the pasture with the other dogs today.

Kami loves to run and was pretty much always in motion
and usually engaged with other dogs.
Kami doesn't really understand Max yet. Theo seems to know
that and he kept an eye on them both.

Here is Kami trying to engage with Max,
without success. Max plays his own game,
by his own rules.

The ground is still wet with standing water in many places. You can see that Max's fur has
picked up a lot of water just from him running over the wet ground.

Serena spends more time grazing in the pasture
than running and playing with the other dogs.

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