Sunday, January 12, 2020

Mooving On

It was just a few days ago that I introduced Moo here with a few lines of doggerel verse. Today I'll say farewell to him in the same way. I passed him off to his new home at noon on Sunday. He's an awesome dog.

My name is Moo and I live at a zoo.
There are shepherds and Danes and a couple of mutts.
I like them all and have sniffed many butts.

Maya and Kami and Della and more,
I was just getting settled but there's much more in store.

They say that I'm moving and I really don't know.'
I can be happy anywhere, I just go with the flow.

I'm just a cow dog and my name is still Moo.
I'll never forget my friends at the zoo.

1 comment:

Risa said...

Good luck to Moo in his new home. I hope that they have a long and happy life together.