Monday, January 13, 2020

Tuck is Cone-Free

Tuck bounced back really quickly once the infection was drained out of his leg and he got started on the antibiotics. Fortunately he was very good about gobbling up his pills in some canned dog food. By Saturday he was beginning to bear weight on the leg again and by Sunday he was moving around without an obvious limp. He had a little intestinal distress Saturday night, but the kitchen floor needed to be mopped anyway.

On Monday I was no longer seeing any drainage from the leg so we went to the vet in the afternoon and had the drain removed. I'm not sure who is happiest about him no longer wearing the cone. It's miserable for the dog, of course, but also for everyone he runs into with it. No one is sorry that it's gone and now he can go outside with the other Danes and come upstairs with everyone else. Now the objective is to put some weight on him. He gets neutered on the 29th and then will hopefully be moving to his new home.

By the way, I have a handful of calendars left from the second batch. I still have a few to mail out, but if anyone is interested in one, let me know. I need $22 to cover the cost of the calendar and the postage to get it to you.

Tuck seemed to like the Green Dogs kids.

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