Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Leo and Sadie's Vet Day

Clay took Leo into the vet Tuesday morning for his neuter surgery. It went without any problems. They all loved him there and I probably could have found him an adopter there if he didn't already have one lined up. 

I took Sadie in for a vet appointment late Tuesday afternoon. She already had her basic vaccines but she got a good going over, an estimate of her age (8-9 years), and they drew some blood for a baseline check because I expect she will need to go on an anti-inflammatory med based on her age. The vet thought she might have an old injury on one of her knees, perhaps a ligament tear. I wonder if something like that happened when she was thrown from the truck by her prior owner's act of abandonment. But she's an older dog, so who knows. They also said she was very sweet, which she is.

Anyway, both dogs were fine and are ready for adoption.

Leo having a light dinner after surgery.
He was up to 69.5 pounds today!

Disapproving looks I got from Arby, Della, and Serena
from the top of the stairs when I got back home.

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