Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The short walk trio

I was feeling lazy today. Work sucked and my mood pretty much matched it. I didn't feel like a real hike but I needed to get out and fix my attitude. I hadn't taken Trooper out in a while, so I wanted to take him, which gave me an excuse to keep it short. Since Trooper was going I took Maya too, that's just what you do. I've been wanting to try Arby on a walk. At 11 years old I wasn't sure what he could do, but this was the perfect opportunity to find out. I fitted Arby with a wide nylon choke collar. His neck is as wide as his head so I really didn't trust just attaching the leash to his regular collar.

Trooper really did want to go. I had to help him into the van but he made it, mostly based on determination and desire, and a little boost from me for his rear end.

Trooper pooped before we got into the woods, so I had to carry a poop bag, my camera, and handle three leashes. It was a bit awkward but it got better when we got to a trash can where I could deposit the bag and the dogs got a little better on the leash. We just went seven tenths of a mile, but that was long enough for Trooper and it satisfied Maya. Arby really enjoyed himself. I don't know how much leash walking his done, particularly in the woods, but he seemed very happy. I got some of the best pictures of him I've ever taken. He was almost sort of smiling.

This is Arby's happy face.

With three dogs, there were leashes everywhere.
We eventually worked out a pretty good system.

Arby really enjoyed the walk. We will do it again.
Maya is looking back to check on Trooper.

When we got back to the van I just picked up Trooper and put him in. He stays downstairs most
nights now because the stairs are hard for him, but he did come up this afternoon on his own.

They all enjoyed it and were ready for dinner when we got back home.

1 comment:

Byron's Mom said...

Your blog is always fun to read. I love the pics of Arby. He's a real cutie!!