Thursday, October 28, 2021

Blogging with puppies

With the number of dogs we have around here, I can come up with material for a blog post on most days. It's particularly easy when we have puppies. I don't need a theme, I don't need to have something to say, I really don't need to do anything at all except post the pictures. So here are some more, but first a few pictures of Henry.

This blue rubber toy has been around here for a long time. I'm not sure where it came from and I really don't know where Henry found it because I hadn't seen it in a long time. None of the other dogs have ever been interested in it, but Henry picked it up and didn't put it down for at least 24 hours. He took it outside when he went, but he never lost it, he brought it back in with him. He carries it in his mouth but his jowls cover it so it just makes his mouth look even bigger than it is. It's not a squeaky toy but it makes a squeaky sound when he gnaws on it. He tried to bring it into the bedroom last night, but we shut both him and the toy out instead. He didn't mind a bit and he probably spent a lot of time gnawing on it before he fell asleep. I found it by the outside door in the kitchen this morning. He has been only slightly less obsessed with it today.

Henry is a great dog, extremely attached, devoted, and loyal. He needs someone who will commit to training him, and I expect he'd be best as an only dog, or at least as an only male dog in the home. I don't really know much an Saint Bernards to know if his behavior and personality is typical of the breed, but he's a brute and is used to getting what he wants by throwing his weight around. Still, I can't help but like him because he's totally devoted to me.

And now, back to our regularly scheduled puppy program.

Elliott is cute, really cute, and he's super friendly and personable. 

Friend/neighbors and three time adopters came down for another round of puppy socialization time today. The pups all gathered on their bed in the corner at first, except for Elliott and Malala. But it wasn't long before Jan and Paul won them over with hugs and snuggles and dog smells from their own home. They came around quicker this time and I expect that trend will continue as they meet more and more new people. 

This picture shows how the meeting went better than any other.
Instead of being shy or scared, they are now gathered around Jan,
chewing on her shoes, socks, jeans, and legs.

Allison isn't out of the picture yet by any measure. She was a bit concerned when there were strangers in with her puppies (she was shut out, but was often scratching on the door). She still nurses them a bit too, mostly from a standing position now. Most of the pups can reach and I suppose it is helping them develop their balance, but little Sojo is still too short. This afternoon I actually picked her up and held her as she grabbed a nipple and suckled for a while. Allison has less milk in her now so we only do this once or twice a day and she decides how long it lasts.

Check out Malala, steadying herself with a paw on Dolly's back.

I love this puppy pile because you can see all their heads, all their faces even except for Sojo.

1 comment:

Heather McG(H Anne) said...

Too stinkin cute. I luv Henry too. And truly luv that he is attached to u Brent! Hope he finds a one-dog home and can show them big love and they do the same for him!