Friday, October 15, 2021

New menu

I've noticed that Allison seems to be spending less and less time nursing the pups this week. She probably does it some when I'm not around (I hope), but typically she would nurse them after I've cleaned, changed the bed, and fed Sojo. Lately I've had to ask her to go in there and sit down and this morning she did so but only stayed for two minutes. The pups need more and more food as they are grow, of course, and I've noticed that their fat little bellies have slimmed down considerably of late while Allison seems to have less milk to give. Putting 2 and 2 and 2 together, I came to the conclusion that it was time for me to start at least supplemental feeding.

I mixed up a gruel in the blender consisting of pulverized dry puppy food, replacement milk powder, and water. I took out two round feeders and divided the mixture between them. The pups took to it immediately and seemed quite capable of lapping it up even though their prior food intake method had consisted of a sucking action. Just before their four week birthday was the exactly the time we started Della's pups on semi-solid food as well. As I recall, the first time it was offered up they played in it and then licked it off themselves and their siblings. There was a lot of that today as well.

Beginning solid food results in three things: 1. a substantial growth spurt; 2. a substantial increase in puppy poop; and 3. increased use of puppy pads, paper towels, and trips to the dump. We will give the pups their four week weigh-in tomorrow, but I can already testify to the increase in poop. They are doing pretty well with using the pads for elimination purposes. I hope that continues. 

Much cooler temperatures are in the forecast, finally, so I'll need to work out a safe heating system for the pups, and I think it will soon be time to introduce Allison to the indoor pack.

Look at Sojo's sprawled out position. Everyone was able to get a belly full
with the new feeding system so I think I'll be able to stop bottle feeding her.

They waded through it and ended up wearing quite a bit of it,
but none of it went to waste.

Dolly was the last to leave the table,
 and even then it was only because I took it away.

Sojo and Elliott playing after dinner.
I think Elliott is deaf but not blind.

Two of the merle girls.

Susan B. looking full and satisfied.

After everyone was full, it was back to the pile to sleep it off. 


Meghan Lobb said...

This is amazing to watch. Please keep up with the updates! I’m in love with this puppies and watching them grow! :)

Rachel said...

Puppy piles are the best.