Friday, October 8, 2021

Henry's first night and day

Henry's first night with us was long on barking and short on sleep. He didn't care for being crated, not one bit. I generally let them bark themselves to sleep. We had enough white noise running that we both fell asleep, but only for short periods. About 1:30 a.m., I gave up, got up, and went to the office to find that he had already escaped from the crate but was still barking. It was obvious that he wanted in the bedroom with everyone else so that's where he came. But, if he went over to Clay's side of the room, Arby would bark at him. If he came over to my side, Della barked and growled. He finally settled somewhere in the middle, probably at the foot of the bed where Max usually sleeps. But at least he slept so that we could too.

He doesn't crate, obviously, but his house manners seem to be good so I guess he doesn't need to. He was very happy to meet Clay when he got home last night. He met our house cleaner today and liked her just fine. He seems to like people. Mostly he just hung out in the office while I worked today. We've made several short trips outdoors. He does his business but sticks close by and comes back in when called. And he's been good with all the dogs too. I took Henry out to the pasture with the others this afternoon, forgetting that he had just been neutered yesterday. Hugo jumped him when he came through the gate, as Hugo does with any new dog. Henry wasn't taking any shit from that young punk, however. It was a typical boy fight, lots of sound, no one hurt, and Hugo didn't seem to want any more of that. 

They had some good pasture time. 

Isn't there a yoga position that looks like this?
2 lbs., 11.8 oz. this evening.

Allison is still nursing the pups, but only when I put down a clean blanket for her.
The pups have teeth how and needle like nails on their toes. I've seen some red and sore
looking spots on her and she's less enthusiastic about nursing than she used to be.
The pups are three weeks old tomorrow, I think we'll be starting on some gruel very soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ahh.. very sweet boy! I hope you ca find him a GREAT home! How old is Henry? He's adorable.