Thursday, October 7, 2021

The return to normalcy?

It's been three weeks since the very pregnant Allison arrived here. I moved out to the puppy shed with her when she arrived and have been sleeping out there ever since. I haven't needed to be there for the puppies' sake for over a week now. Allison is very careful with them and has been taking very good care of them. I've been staying out there mostly for her. She must assume that it's where the two of us live. I've enjoyed it really. The cot is surprisingly comfortable, there's air conditioning when it's hot, heat for chilly evenings, television, and wifi. It's the closest I may get to camping anytime soon.

Allison has been sleeping on a big dog bed outside the whelping box for the most part, and she tries to climb up on my cot if I don't lay down it immediately after setting it up at night. But last night I moved back to the house, displacing Maya and Della who had been sharing my spot in bed.

Another sign of the return of what passes for normalcy around this house is the arrival of a new foster dog, Henry. 

Maya is talking to me as I'm coming up the stairs. 
Della watches her and nods in agreement: "What she said." 


This is Henry. He got neutered today.

Henry had come from Tennessee. The most recent owner had purchased him from Craigslist
without the husband's knowledge or consent. Turns out he did not consent.
A Saint Bernard is a bit much to spring on someone.

This is Maze, formerly Chimay, Della's first born pup. Maze shares her mother's love 
of the outdoors, and her taste for wild game. She had spent the day at Green Dogs and was 
there when I picked up Henry, who had been transported from the vet by Maze's owner.

Sojo was 2 lbs, 8 oz. as of this writing.

She still wears a good amount of the milk from each feeding, 
but Allison cleans her up afterwards.

They were wrapping up a play session here.

Re-assembling the puppy pile.

I put Henry out in Daneland when we got home. I put Maya out with him
as well as Serena and Melly. I have now brought him inside and up to my office.
He has met most of the dogs and seems fine but he is a big mass of anxiety,
still panting heavily. I have drugs for that and I think he will be getting some of them soon.

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