Sunday, June 5, 2022

Expanding horizons

The puppies had another big event today. After mowing and puppy-proofing the other half of Daneland, I opened the gate and more than doubled the size of their known world. They took it all in as they do with anything new, with a sense of adventure and without fear. It didn't hurt that their real or ersatz daddy (Kilo) was with them. 

Kilo is proving to be an invaluable combination mother/father figure and is really great at teaching them important life lessons with just the right level of firmness balanced with kindness and playfulness. 

Merlot went from one ear up to both ears down. 

Any puppy will be a challenge, but especially Pinot.

Chablis is probably the most easy-going of the litter.

Kilo steals all the toys and the pups learn how far they can push him.

Kilo definitely sets boundaries, but he's very good at it.

The pups all love it when he comes to visit.

He's playful with them too.

Kilo and Muscato

Riesling and Chablis

Tail pulling is fair play, they even did it with Kilo.

Good weight gains today on almost everyone.
I have a new probiotic, prebiotic, fiber, and enzyme product that may be working.
Or maybe it's just because I got four feedings in today and everyone ate well.

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