Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Pups outdoors!

This morning I did the usual thing, fed the dogs, and then the pups. I had the puppies outside their main space so I took advantage of the opportunity to mop it. I had the front door of the puppy shed open allowing them access to the porch, which was fenced off with an exercise pen. Then I went back inside to change the bandage on Clay's foot. 

When I went back outside, I saw the pups running around in the grass near the puppy palace. Kilo was with them, acting like a responsible parent from what I could tell. Someone, probably Kilo had pushed the exercise pen open and the pups must have jumped down to the ground. Everyone was fine and they were all excited from the new adventure. I was grabbing puppies and tossing them back inside, once again happy that there were only six that I had to account for. 

Around noon, after second feeding, I opened the side door of the shed and let them out, on purpose, into Daneland for the first time. Merlot was the first one down the steps, followed by Pinot. The others eventually made their way out with Riesling being the last. It's a hot day, but Daneland under the birch trees is about the most hospital outdoor place we have in the summer. The puppies were excited to explore the new space and they have room to run more than a few feet at a time, which will help them develop. I would have left them out longer but I needed to get to work and I'm not trusting them outside on their own just yet. 

It was very hot again today so I delayed the third feeding until early evening. I fed them outdoors but they were more interested in playing and ate very little. But Paul and Jan came by this evening and Clay even made the trip out to Daneland on crutches and his peg leg to meet the pups for the first time. The puppies ran and played until they dropped. When we put them back inside they headed straight to the bed to sleep off the evening's fun. 

I'll put some dry food out there before I go to bed in case they wake up with the munchies.

Tired pups, and tired Kilo on the porch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, they've gotten so big!