Friday, June 17, 2022

Puppies, of course

They won't be around too much longer. Spay/neuter appointments start next week with the adoptions to follow quickly. So for now, lots more puppy pictures. They are at the fun stage now. They big enough to play and to stay outside much of the day, weather permitting, although I put them back inside for nap times. 

Kilo continues to do his part as well as any mother dog we've had at this stage. 

These are pictures from the last couple of days. Some of these were posted directly to Facebook yesterday evening from my phone. I could do the blog because we were without power. That came back about 2:30 a.m., and we got running water again late this afternoon when a plumber replaced the switch on our well pump. We are a fully functioning, semi-hygienic household once again.







Pinot, Chardonnay, Chablis

The same three girls joined by Merlot



Pinot climbed to the top of an A-frame that I had built for Della's puppies
three years ago. They used it as a hideout and a shady spot to nap but 
never climbed on it much. Huskies are a different breed.

Once Pinto went to the top everyone else came over to check it out.

Pinot at the summit.

It's in bad shape and I'll probably trash after this litter is gone,
but I'm glad they enjoyed playing on it.

This brought back memories. Maya comes out when I'm filling food bowls
but I usually feed her back in the house. This evening she said that she wanted
to eat out on Playstation K-9. This is where she and Trooper always ate together.

You can barely make out Della in the tall grass.

She took off running like she was going after something but I never saw it.
It may have been just a practice run, or wishful thinking on her part.

It's fun to see them run and play outdoors, but it's still fun to see them play inside as well.

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