Monday, January 9, 2023

Delvis and puppies

Della and Elvis went with me for another two mile walk today. We had better weather than when Della and I did it yesterday. Here's some pictures from today's walk, other Delvis combo shots, and some of the puppies too.

Elvis sleeps in our bed and he has done so, without being invited, every night since he first arrived.
This concerns Della a bit and sometimes she hops up there just to prove she can.

Sharing a sunny spot on a cold day.

A couple days ago I weighed the puppies and realized that Camilla had made no gain to speak of since the last time they had been weighed. That set off alarms in my head, not that I thought she was sick, but that she needed some extra help. I watched when the pups were nursing, which is less often these days, and they are so big that there isn't room for everyone. Camilla was missing out. I watched when they were eating the mash I provided, and she had plenty of opportunity to eat, but she would lap up a little and then go off and do something else. 

So I knew I had to give Camilla some extra help. I tried bottle feeding but failed miserably. I had more success just squirting the formula into her mouth in small amounts. I also tried getting Holly to lay down away from the litter and nurse just Camilla. Today I tried a syringe feeding and also gave her a small bowl of mash by herself, away from the other pups. What actually seems to work best, however, is just redirecting her back to the mash when she wanders off during a group feeding. Each time I put her back in front of the feeder she would have a bit more before trying to bugger off again to run and play.

I do three mash feedings of the puppies now, and four Holly feedings each day. Giving Camilla two or three more separate feedings takes a lot more time, but I hope that once she gets really into eating the mash as the others have I won't need to do so anymore. This evening she showed a nice increase in weight, so I'm encouraged by the results.

Holly cleans up the puppy mash when they are about done with it.

Holly is a very nice looking girl.

Camilla inside the tunnel.

Holly and Camilla during a solo feeding.

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