Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Holly's outing

Holly has a good adoption prospect but we needed to do a cat test. Today I took her to meet a couple of cats and she wanted nothing to do with them, nothing at all. 

It's the first time Holly has been away from her pups but she walked nicely with me on a leash and hopped into a crate in my van without hesitation. She fussed a little bit when we got away from home, but really didn't seem upset by being away. She met two cats while Erika held them, and turned away from both, no sign of any prey drive and a healthy recognition of the danger of cats. 

When we got back home I let her out of the van without a leash, assuming that she'd head straight back to the puppy shed. She didn't. She went to the back door of the house instead, but she followed me when I went back to the puppy shed and Daneland.

The puppies are now devouring most all of the mash that I give them, which tells me that they are less and less dependent upon Holly for their food. I haven't seen her lay with the pups to nurse them in several days, although she could be doing it when I'm not there. Mostly she hops into their space and lets them nurse from a standing position for a short time. When I check on them via the cameras she is always laying on her bed in the space separated from the pups. I think she's about ready to move into the house and just spend part of her time with the puppies.

Yesterday I was feeding Camilla with a syringe and giving her alone time with Holly and with her own bowl of mash. I haven't done that today but I'm seeing her take more interest in the food during the group feeding event, and going back to it on her own more and more. Being the smallest, she might not have been quite ready for the solid food when I started offering it, but I hope she's about over the hump and will soon be an eager eater on her own without the need for special attention.


Camilla during a syringe feeding session yesterday.

Peggy looks like the biggest of the girls, but she's actually the lightest except for Camilla.
She's fluffy.

Dizzy on top of Peggy.

Adina may be the coolest of the pups.

Feeding times are increasing to four times a day and they are devouring it all.

Boomer peaking over the wall.

Yukon's collar is getting frayed.

This set up is working well for this litter.

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