Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Hopefully a minor crisis

It was after our late afternoon outing, but before dinner. I had taken everyone out and had them back inside when I noticed that Maya's face was very swollen. I might not have seemed abnormal if you didn't know that Maya normally has a very slender muzzle, typical shepherd shape. Now it was wide, very wide even. Obviously she had been bit or stung by something. I immediately popped two benadryl tablets into a pill pocket and got her to eat it. 

I examined her face and lips but all I found was a small abrasion on the top of her nose. It didn't look like a snake bite but could have been a sting from a bee or wasp. Whatever it was didn't get too much into her I'm guessing, but it was enough to scare us both. Her breathing seemed normal and a half hour later nothing looked worse and she ate dinner as usual, although I suspect her mouth was a bit sore. We're now four hours or more past the time I first noticed it and it doesn't seem any worse and maybe even a bit better. 

We have one area of tall grass inside the "yard" area of our property, on the far side of the driveway where I don't like to mow. But I think I'll be cutting it soon in case it's harboring any ground nesting  yellow jackets or something like that. I will update this post Thursday morning to let everyone know how she'd doing.

In other news, we had weighed the puppies last night to establish a baseline for a growth chart. I weighed them all again this evening and all three showed growth. The one female is the biggest of the three. Their mom continues to eat well. She's moving around the inside of the puppy shed more now, exploring the space, but she will not go outside. I don't think it's a reluctance to leave the pups, it's almost as if she's never been outside. I tried offering her treats yesterday and she had no idea what they were. I'm thawing out some hotdogs now to see if they get her attention and interest. In any case, I'm confident that her current accommodations and care are better than she's had in the past, so I'll just let her take care of the pups and take her time adjusting to a new reality.

THURSDAY MORNING UPDATE: Much better this morning, almost back to normal. I got up about 1:00 a.m. and gave her another benadryl in a pill pocket, which she thought was strange but she ate it. I gave another one in the morning along with carprofen to help with swelling. Her slender snout is almost back to normal. Hopefully she will keep it away from biting and stinging things from now on.

This doesn't look terrible, but her muzzle is much wider than normal 
here because her lips and jowls are swollen.

Here's the latest picture and I think the swelling in beginning to go down.
At least it hasn't gotten any worse over the past several hours.

Here's a video of Maze and Kirtley mostly, with a little Paisley:

Maze is going back home on Sunday. We will miss her, especially Kirtley.

Elvis sits on the stairs like this sometimes. I don't know why.

Della waiting at the back door of the dog yard shed. 
I feed her just outside the door.
There is often a small puddle of drool where she's been waiting for food.

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