Monday, June 12, 2023

Nothing to see here

I took in a mother and three pups today but can't show them or tell you anything about them, except they are part of an ongoing court case. The pups are only three days old. The mom is a bit dazed and confused, but she's being a good mom and she's eating for herself too. She has let me touch her and touch her puppies, but I'm trying to give her enough time and space to get comfortable with her new surroundings without being too intrusive.

I'm not sure how long this blackout will continue but here's some pictures of preparations and other dogs in the meantime.

Kirtley drinking from a fountain, Paisley behind him, and Maze doing a roll behind her.

I had left the door to the puppy shed open and I had seen a lot of bird poop in there.
Apparently some birds made a nest and raised a brood in a cardboard box.
They were done with it so I removed it.

She's a small girl, only about 25 pounds. Sort of looks like a smaller version of Holly.
There's only three puppies, which is plenty.

I put in a new air conditioner for them.

Maze and Kirtley have been keeping each other entertained.

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