Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Visitors and puppy problems

We have a couple of returning visitors with us for a couple of days. Cosmo, a/k/a The Big Hairy Beast, came on Monday and he'll be going back home on Wednesday. Another short timer, Daisy, arrived today. We'll have her until Thursday or so. Kirtley is new since Daisy was last here so they met for the first time. I ended up leaving them in the dog yard together for a while Tuesday evening and will put them in adjacent crates in the kitchen for the night. 

Momma dog and her puppies have been giving me some grief, but I think and hope that it's resolved. She was having some pretty consistent diarrhea. I gave her some Imodium and a probiotic, and stopped the hotdogs and cheese I had been feeding her. I also switched her dry food, away from the puppy food she had been getting. The diarrhea resolved and she had some good poop, but then she stopped eating. 

She wouldn't eat hotdogs or cheese when I offered them, she wouldn't eat canned food although she had been doing so the day before. I thought she had been drinking a lot of water before but then that pretty much stopped too. The pups had been posting pretty consistent weight gains, and one of the boys had about caught with the girl in size. The smaller boy was beginning to close the gap between him and his littermates, but when I weighed the puppies Monday night they had barely put on any weight in the past 24 hours. 

I wasn't going to go into a panic just yet, but I knew it was a situation that needed to be addressed. Erika suggesting adding chicken broth to her water. I switched back to the dry puppy food she had been eating consistently in the past. She wouldn't touch canned food any more but she was interested in cottage cheese. She began eating again Monday evening and she put away a fair amount of puppy food, cottage cheese, and watered down chicken stock on Tuesday. 

I just came in from weighing the pups (Tuesday evening) and taking more cottage cheese and puppy food to the momma dog. All the puppies had solid weight gains, and the larger of the boys has now overtaken his sister! Raising puppies is all about taking care of mom. 



Kirtley and Daisy

He has a nice sit.

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