Saturday, April 30, 2022

More planting days

Once I start planting, I try to stay with it pretty steadily until every pot is filled. I am try to use fewer plants this year, but I'm not using fewer pots. I've been to my local Plants-N-Things twice now and one more trip is planned. Today I hit two Lowe's stores as well as the Southern States in Charlottesville. Tomorrow I'll make my annual pilgrimage to Strange's over on the west side of Richmond in Short Pump. There are no bargains to be found there, but I do always find some different varieties than I'm able to find locally. 

The dogs enjoy the outdoor time with me. Maya makes her rounds and then may want to go back inside where it's more comfortable. The others will stick it out with me. Killian went back home on Friday, but he's in some of these pictures that were taken before he left. After he was gone it was mostly just Della, Tilly, and Max, sometimes Maya. Vger doesn't play well with others so he doesn't get to join in the garden planting time but I've been trying to get some ball playing in with him every day. Della and I went to Canine Fit Club at Green Dogs this afternoon. She enjoyed it, and then we came home and I planted the day's purchases.

Newly planted containers don't look like much now, but there will be plenty of pictures of them as the season progresses. 

Tilly, Killian, Della, and Maya

Tilly is convinced that the torn ball is a perfect tug toy. 
Max doesn't understand that game. He just likes to carry them and shred them.

Della getting a Tilly hug.

Della at Canine Fit Club today.

Della keeping watch from the back of the van.

Max generally takes his ball and stays about 20 yards away.
He watches what's going on, but he keeps his ball at a safe distance.

Tilly with Max's ball.

Max shredding the ball. 

Buttercups in the dog yard.

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