Sunday, April 17, 2022


The name is pronounced just like it sounds: "vee-jer."  If it doesn't mean anything to you, you're in good company but some of my geekier friends knew it immediately. It's from the first Star Trek movie, Vger is a corruption of the word Voyager. I must have seen that movie, but I was in college when it came out, and some of those years are a little fuzzy.

Anyway, this Vger is a doberman, very solid, very handsome. His owner had health issues and really was no longer able to handle him. He was friendly enough but he did not understand what was happening today and he really did not want to get into my van when I went to leave. 

I was concerned that we were going to have a very scared dog on our hands, possibly a flight risk. But he actually settled down pretty quickly once we got home. I took him out to Daneland along with Maya and Tilly. He was not interested in the other dogs but he very quickly became interested in me. He loves to play ball and will bring it back and drop it for you to throw again. I puttered around in the puppy shed all afternoon. It needed some cleaning. He hung out with me and I'd throw the ball occasionally. It wasn't long before he was beginning to trust me. This dog has a strong need to bond and the ball seems to be the way to his heart.

The picture below is River.  He looks so happy and it sounds like he's doing very well. He has gained weight, up to 112 pounds now! 

And this pretty girl below is Xochi, a pretty shepherd girl I fostered back in 2016 through Promises Animal Rescue.

It was really cooling down this afternoon and Della and Tilly got in some play time.


Rachel said...

What a handsome boy! He's got a pretty face.

Are Della and Tilly becoming bff's?

Cynthia Maxwell Curtin said...

Good to see Della playing! My guess--Tilly is a keeper as you mentioned that if Della ever decided to play again, you would keep her playmate.