Thursday, April 14, 2022

Picking up some miles

I didn't get any hiking in until Wednesday this week, but Della and I did three miles Wednesday evening. I did another 2.5 miles Thursday morning with both Della and Maya, and then Tilly and I knocked off another 3.5 miles late Wednesday afternoon. That puts me just shy of 30 miles for the 50 mile challenge, over halfway at halfway through the month. The Trevor Project 50 Mile Challenge was a great motivator but I really need to be doing that and more every month to get my weight down, my blood sugar down, etc. I'm feeling pretty motivated today, just need to keep it up and make it an everyday thing. I have plenty of dogs willing to accompany me.

Callie had taken Della's crate. Della moved on in and took her spot.
Eventually Callie got up and moved out of the crate.

Some unknown person for some unknown reason took this unknown body
part from some unknown animal and fashioned it into a heart shape left along the trail.
Rather macabre and just plain weird.

Danger noodle/nope rope
We gave it a wide berth.

Tilly was great on today's walk.

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