Saturday, April 9, 2022

Our day at GDU

Della and I went to GDU (Green Dogs Unleashed) Saturday afternoon for the Canine Fit Club. It was a fun afternoon. I had been surprised at how much she enjoyed it last week. As soon as we arrived today she knew what was up. Her tail started wagging, soundly whacking my legs just above the knee. She was happy to be there. She knew this was where she would get lots of treats as well as one-on-one time with me. I loaded up my pocket with treats and we started in with the rest of the class. There were a few new challenges introduced this week, including some jumps, which Della did with ease. She's not great at the obedience parts of the program, "stay" is not her thing, but she's very good at the more active elements. I didn't get many pictures because handling Della with one hand and the treats with the other leaves me no hand for the camera. Erika sent me some videos, however, one of which I'm posting below.

Elliott is also in this class so I got to see him again too.

I also got to see one of Della's pups, Duvel, and his adoptive brother, Chester. They are boarding at GDU while their folks are out of town.





About the time that the class was winding down, a couple showed up for a scheduled meet and greet with Artie. He was still a bit unsure meeting new people, but he was friendly enough and during the time they were there he began making eye contact and walking away with them more willingly. His devotion to me was obvious, but I explained that he had been afraid of me in the beginning but he formed a bond and could do so again with a little time, effort, and patience. They are thinking it over and will make a decision tomorrow. I think they would be very good for him if they decide to take him on. 

When we got home I took everyone out to the pasture. The grass is spring green right now, the best it will ever look. It was chilly but the dogs loved getting out to run around. And something unexpected and remarkable happened - Della played with Tilly.

This just about made me cry because Della hasn't played with anyone since Serena, and this video of her playing with Serena showed up today as a Facebook memory from two years ago.

The other noteworthy thing that happened today is the Callie/Hallie seems to have finally turned the corner and is ready to be happy again. You can see it in her face, and she's finally eating regularly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good day for everyone!