Friday, April 8, 2022

Trailing the tawny twins

After a couple of rainy days the sun made a welcome comeback today. I took advantage of it and hit the trails late this afternoon with Maya and Artie. We didn't get started until after 5:00 p.m., but with the lengthening days we still got in a little over five miles and even had a bit of daylight to spare. 

The temperature was in the low 60s, perfect for hiking, and we were late enough that we had the trails mostly to ourselves, encountering only one other hiker with dog, who very considerately leashed her dog and walked on past us as I pulled my dogs about 20 feet off the trail. 

Artie was loving it, and really loved seeing squirrels. Maya isn't so interested in squirrels but she did spot a deer and that makes her happy. The native redbuds are in bloom so the woods are dotted with splashes of pink against an otherwise still predominantly winter looking background. 

The first two miles are tough as my muscles and joints were getting broken in again. Miles two to four are a breeze, but by the fifth mile my legs were getting heavy. I took an easy route for the final mile. 

Artie is meeting a potential adopter tomorrow afternoon, so I really wanted to get him out one more time. He loves Maya and they look great together so they were an easy choice for today's walk. Della may not have loved the choice, but I'm taking her to Canine Fit Club again tomorrow, so that should make up for it.

They have done a great job clearing the trails of downed trees from the 
January snow storm. The roadways around here still need a lot of work, however.

This patch of mayapples made a very noticeable swath of 
bright green in woods that are still mostly brown.
The greening is coming, but it hasn't happened yet.

The flowers, when they appear, are actually below the green leaves
so they don't make much of a show, but the foliage is very pretty,
particularly since they are the only thing this green this early.

We hit some sections of the trails that we haven't been on in a while.

Today's hike was 5.05 miles, getting me to 15.8 miles 
of the 50 mile Trevor Project Challenge.

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